Lewis Girls’ School

Lewis Girls’ School is a comprehensive school in Wales passionate about providing opportunities to students.

Location: Hengoed / Contact: Matt James / Web: Visit / Social: @lewisgirlssch


Lewis Girls’ School is a comprehensive school in Wales. In the CENTERSTAGE season, their second year competing, they reached the UK Championship. They had a great time and learnt a huge amount along the way as well as from all the helpful teams, students and staff.


We are really keen to bring FIRST Tech Challenge UK to more schools in Wales. We will be promoting the challenge and trying to recruit more teams from Wales, as well as offering support as a Champion Organisation.

Champion Org Ambassador

Matt James, Design & Technology Teacher

  • We build More Than Robots

    We use robots, role models and competitions to make STEM more approachable and inclusive, empowering young people to make informed choices about their future.