We Build More Than Robots

We make STEM less intimidating and more inclusive, empowering young people to make informed choices about their future.

Discover how

Join the world’s largest robotics competition

Access the latest tech, mentors from industry, accredited content and epic competitions to supercharge STEM in your school or youth group.

Take part

Building more than robots

Supported by an industry mentor, teams of young people design and build a robot to compete in tournaments and earn awards.

About the challenge

Making STEM more inclusive

We work with schools and youth groups to provide underserved young people with access to the knowledge and tools to thrive.

Watch our intro webinar

Financial support

We provide equipment bursaries, travel awards and even teacher supply cover to make STEM inclusive and accessible for all.

Access funding

Dive in!

Take part in the UK’s most ambitious student robotics programme where this year’s theme sees teams go subsea!

Find out more

“How better to explain what a career in STEM may be like than to set an exacting STEM challenge. FIRST Tech Challenge UK has everything from engineering, building to coding. But above all, seeing the students work together and support each other has been a very rewarding experience. And not just the students; this challenge has helped the Computing and D&T departments collaborate as part of a broader STEM initiative.

Sally Smart, Design & Technology Teacher, St. Philomena’s Catholic High School for Girls

  • We build More Than Robots

    We use robots, role models and competitions to make STEM more approachable and inclusive, empowering young people to make informed choices about their future.